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  • wiki:changes

    Это старая версия документа!

    Журнал изменений

    Эта статья содержит обзор изменений в официальных релизах «ДокуВики». Здесь упомянуты только крупнейшие изменения. Полный и детальный журнал всех изменений доступен на «ГитХабе»

    Журнал изменений более старых, чем перечисленные здесь, релизов доступен в статье «Предыдущие версии» (англ.). Разработчики плагинов и шаблонов должны прочитать и подписаться на подробный журнал изменений (англ.)

    Здесь есть информация относительно тонкостей обновления

    Изменения, отмеченные знаком :!:, требуют внимания при обновлении!

    Upcoming Release “Greebo”

    • This release requires PHP 5.6 at least!
    • PHP 7.2 Support and improvements for PHP 7.3 support
    • New form on search page with more search tools :!: Plugins which modified that page may need adjustments, e.g. tagging Plugin
      • ability to filter and sort results by time! 🎉
    • Sending now a manifest.json to let the user add DokuWiki to the homescreen
    • Re-factored section edit. :!: Plugins which insert own section edit buttons need adjustments, e.g. wrap Plugin
    • updated LESS compiler :!: Template authors may experience some incompatibilities
    • new Action Dispatcher :!: Plugin authors handling ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS may encounter slight differences
    • new Menu system :!: template authors may want to integrate them (see Menu)
    • improved features in bin/wantedpage.php CLI
    • better cursor handling when inserting multiple images from media popup

    Release 2017-02-19e “Frusterick Manners”

    • new Admin screen with plugins being able to add their own icons :!: 3rd party templates need adjustments
    • jQuery 3 (IE Support for versions <9 dropped)
    • :!: some plugins may need an update.
      • Gallery: Make sure to update the gallery plugin before you upgrade DokuWiki. Versions before 2016-12-22 render all pages in Frusterick Manners virtually unusable. This includes the login and the admin forms. (Rescue manoeuvre if you happened to fall into the trap: Use regular file tools to move the folder '$DOKUWIKIROOT/lib/plugins/gallery' out of the way.)
      • ODT: Versions before 2016-09-10 do not supply the file 'inc/ZipLib.class.php' which is required in Frusterick Manners.
    • better cache management and CDN support for jQuery
    • PHP 7.1 support and PHP 7.0 bugfixes
    • improvements to the internal Form mechanism
    • File usage list in media manager
    • Various improvements, language updates and bug fixes
    • :!: XMLRPC is only available for PHP 5.4 and higher due to usage of certain PHP syntax


    • Hotfix 2017-02-19a: fixes installation issue 1852 and media overwrite issue 1853.
    • Hotfix 2017-02-19b: fixes security token 1883 and media manager overwrite issue 1864.
    • Hotfix 2017-02-19c: fixes reflected XSS issue 2061
    • Hotfix 2017-02-19d: fixes sanitation of $language 2080; fixes RSS syntax XSS 2081
    • Hotfix 2017-02-19e: fixes rendering null $language going to GeSHi 2088

    Release 2016-06-26e “Elenor of Tsort”

    • New authPDO plugin; authmysql and authpgsql are deprecated :!:
    • :!: Access check is performed before pages are shown in sidebars of recent templates. (e.g. dokuwiki, starter, writr)
    • PHP 7 compatibility fixes
    • Internet Explorers 8 (and older) are no longer supported, workarounds have been removed
    • Improvements to the new form class, auto loading of plugin classes and other improvements for plugin developers
    • Show size changes in recent changes
    • Better RTL (Arabic, Hebrew) support in Mediamanager
    • Support for PHP's builtin web server
    • Various improvements, language updates and bug fixes
    • Old authentication configurations are not loaded anymore. Requires for some a manual update of configuration settings. (You need to change e.g. $conf['auth']['ldap']$conf['plugin']['authldap'] and $conf['authtype'] = 'ldap' → $conf['authtype'] = 'authldap'.) 1535


    • Hotfix 2016-06-26a: fixes 1616 issue with authad.
    • Hotfix 2016-06-26b: fixes security issue 1883, and adjusts session ID check to specification.
    • Hotfix 2016-06-26c: fixes reflected XSS issue 2061
    • Hotfix 2016-06-26d: What changed???
    • Hotfix 2016-06-26e: fix rendering null $language going to GeSHi 2088

    Release 2015-08-10a “Detritus”

    • This release now requires PHP 5.3.3 at least
    • New Style Manager to adjust template variables like colors
    • Experimental new Form class usable for plugin developers
    • Use Composer to add third party libraries
    • Various deprecated code has been removed
    • The Extension Manager can now remove old files when updating extensions
    • Allow unsetting default acronyms, schemes, entities, etc. in local config
    • PHP 7 compatibility fixes
    • Page titles now reflect the current action better
    • Changed all submit buttons from input to button to improve their stylability. :!:
    • Various improvements and bug fixes


    • Hotfix 2015-08-10a: fix for issue 1296 with Extension Manager which prevented installing tarballs and issue 1302 which prevented links to Windows Shares to work

    Release 2014-09-29d “Hrun”

    • It's now possible to customize single strings of the localization
    • New history function to see how a wiki looked at a certain time (no user interface yet, details at date at)
    • Security fix for AD/LDAP auth plugin related problem (Details here)
    • Some caching in the database auth plugins
    • Improved CLI interface for better command line tools
    • Support for external Audio/Video sources
    • Various improvements and bug fixes

    Note: When you had disabled the 'compress' config setting, you would enable it again since this release.


    • Hotfix 2014-09-29a: fixes for login problems caused by certain PCRE versions and changes in the recent Chrome release
    • Security Hotfix 2014-09-29b: prevents XSS attack via SWF uploads
    • Security Hotfix 2014-09-29c: fixes privilege escalation in RPC API
    • Security Hotfix 2014-09-29d: fixes a XSS vulnerability in the user manager

    Выпуск 2014-05-05e «Ponder Stibbons»

    • Поддержка Аудио и Видео файлов
    • Обновлены и дополнены иконки типов файлов
    • Отображение формы входа при открытии страниц на которые нет прав доступа.
    • Если вы используете несколько доменов AD для аутентификации, они могут быть выбраны при регистрации.
    • Добавлена возможность отображения связанных с пользователем вики-страниц. Опция настраивается с помощью showuseras и интервики.
    • Более гибкий выбор версий страниц при просмотре различий между двумя версиями страниц.
    • :!: Fallback of old date format removed: early wikis need to update their dformat config setting

    :!: When the layout seems broken, you may be affected by an issue in the CSS compressor. Please try disabling the 'compress' config setting.


    • Security Hotfix 2014-05-05a for Issue 765.
    • Security Hotfix 2014-05-05b for AD/LDAP auth plugin related problem (Details here)
    • Security Hotfix 2014-05-05c: prevents XSS attack via SWF uploads
    • Security Hotfix 2014-05-05d: fixes privilege escalation in RPC API
    • Security Hotfix 2014-05-05e: fixes a XSS vulnerability in the user manager

    Выпуск 2013-12-08 «Любимица»

    Оригинальное название — Release 2013-12-08 «Binky». Тут возможен и мужской вариант - «Любимчик»

    • Улучшен рандом-генератор паролей_
    • Добавлен экспорт-импорт пользователей в User Manager через CSV-файлы
    • Реализован LESS-компилятор для CSS
    • Устаревший шаблон 'default' удалён :!:
    • Пользователи теперь могут удалять свои аккаунты
    • Реализации RTL-языков/скриптов, доступность (WAI-ARIA) и farms
    • Множество улучшений перевода и исправлений ошибок
    Только авторизованные участники могут оставлять комментарии.
    wiki/changes.1723676524.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2024/08/15 02:02 — vladpolskiy