
Synology NAS

Система NAS Synology раньше предоставляла пакет DokuWiki в своем менеджере пакетов. Начиная с выпуска DSM 7.0 это уже не так. Вместо этого вам нужно вручную установить «ДокуВики» с помощью приложения «Веб-станция».

Installing DokuWiki on DSM 7.0+

В настоящее время Synology не предоставляет пакет для установки Dokuwiki на Diskstation с DSM 7. Эта процедура должна помочь установить Dokuwiki на Synology Diskstation с DSM 7.

В DSM: Центр пакетов: установка веб-станции

Используйте веб-сервер Apache для «ДокуВики» (необязательно): Установите Apache 2.4 через Центр пакетов . Совет: перейдите на панель состояния веб-станции и щелкните стрелку в столбце управления, это приведет вас к пакету установки Apache в Центре пакетов. Установите PHP 7 (.2, .3 или .4) через Центр пакетов Совет: перейдите на панель состояния веб-станции и щелкните стрелку в столбце управления, это приведет вас к пакету установки PHP в Центре пакетов.

Web Station - Script Language Settings

Save the settings!

On your PC: Download DokuWiki: https://download.dokuwiki.org/


Web Station Default Server

File Station - Permission Set

Repeat this steps for folders: dokuwiki/conf, dokuwiki/lib/plugins and dokuwiki/lib/tpl

Go to http://IPofSynology/dokuwiki/install.php


Upgrading from DSM 6

There are several possible ways to switch from a package installation to a direct installation.

Copy, Uninstall, Copy back, Upgrade DSM

Some users report problems with permissions after this procedure: User Forum: Dokuwiki package no longer supported in Synology DSM 7. If this problem occurs, a complete reinstallation is recommended.

Backup, Uninstall, Upgrade DSM, Restore

This procedure is taken from User Forum: Manual install of Dokuwiki in a Synology NAS running DSM6.2 It is the same procedure as for a complete new installation. Only the backup of the data is added and the procedure for this is described.

  1. Install the Backup Tool Plugin straight from the plugin manager of your existing DokuWiki install and make a backup from the admin page (tab every box for backup to be sure). Save the .tar archive to a other location than your Synology.
  2. To be extra save; copy the nas/DokuWiki folder from your Synology to a other location.
  3. Delete the DokuWiki package with the Package Center.
  4. Upgrade to DSM 7 (see instructions on the official Synology site)
  5. Go to Webstation in DSM → PHP Setting (scripttaalinstellingen in my native language) → Create/Make → Profile name: Dokuwiki → Profile description: Dokuwiki → PHP version: PHP 7.4 → Save/Ok.
  6. Go to Webserviceportal (still in Webstation) and choose for HTTP back-endserver: Apache HTTP Server 2.2 (because of the permissions) and PHP: Dokuwiki (PHP 7.4.) → Save.
  7. Go to the tab Extensions and enable: openssl and zlib and click Save
  8. Go to File Station and navigate to web → dokuwiki folder. Rightclick on the folder: data → Properties → Permissions → Make → Choose for user «http» → and check Write (which will check all underlying boxes) and choose: Save/Ok
  9. Do the same for the folders: conf and lib/plugins and lib/tpl.
  10. Download the stable: 2020-07-29 «Hogfather» release here (this is the same version as the latest Synology package for DMS 6, if in the meantime a new version is out, download this one from the DokuWiki archive.
  11. Extract this archive to the web folder (default name and location: web/dokuwiki)
  12. Run the installer (from /web/dokuwiki/install.php) and just use your existing info or something else, these setting will be overwritten from the backup in the next step.
  13. Install the Backup Tool Plugin straight from the plugin manager for this new clean version.
  14. Open the backup .tar archive made in step 1 (use an archive manager like 7 zip) and copy over the folders: conf, data and lib to the web/dokuwiki folder overwriting any possibly existing files.
  15. Delete /web/dokuwiki/install.php file and check if this file is not accessible from the internet: https://yournasadres/dokuwiki/data/pages/wiki/dokuwiki.txt. If it is than doublecheck your permissions.

Thanks to DokuwikiSyno for this guide.

See also