====== файл шаблона mediamanager.php====== The media manager's functionality has changed drastically since the last major release of DokuWiki; however, the code in the background is only slightly different, and requires that you use CSS or table based layout. ===== Minimum Requirements ===== ==== Functionality ==== For minimum functionality, you'll need to use a tag with an id of ''**%%media__manager%%**'' encapsulating an empty
tag pair with an id of ''**%%media__opts%%**''. Finally, you'll need to call ''[[xref>tpl_mediaTree()]]'' in order to display the tree, and ''[[xref>tpl_mediaContent()]]'' to display the files to select from. A simple example:

==== Look and Feel ==== All style information for media manager is in the standard location for stylesheets, with the prefix of ''%%media__%%''; copy those into your own stylesheets and you should be fine. Of course for customization purposes you may wish to modify the default styles. ===== Sample Code ===== See for the current default implementation in the 'dokuwiki' template at [[xref>lib/tpl/dokuwiki/mediamanager.php]]. =====See also===== * [[devel:templates|DokuWiki Template Development]] * [[main.php]] – general layout template file * [[detail.php]] – the image detail page template file